Simple Tips for Moving Day Success
So, you’ve planned your move, organized your transportation, and prepared everything you need. Great job! However, there are still things you can do on the day of your move to make sure everything goes smoothly. To help with this, we’ve put together a few simple tips for moving day success.
Make a to-do list
The moving day might seem like the simplest part of the process. But, in truth, it is easy to get overwhelmed when you get close to the finish line. Even with a perfect checklist for organizing your move, you should make a to-do list for the day itself. Keep a list of things to prioritize and mark off the things you’ve done. This will help you remember everything that needs to be dealt with. Additionally, seeing your progress will be good for your morale throughout the entire thing. There are, of course, simple things you should keep in mind, such as making sure you’re protecting your back during the move.

Wake up early
One rather obvious tip for moving day success is: wake up in time to prepare. Setting your alarm clock to earlier than usual and not hitting the snooze button can be challenging. But, on your moving day, it is essential to get out of bed in time and go through the things on your to-do list. Eat a good breakfast, pack the things which are left, and so on. Ask any mover about this, and they will tell you that getting up early is the right choice.
Minimize moving day packing
No matter how thorough you are in your packing, there will always be some things left for the final day. One straightforward tip for moving day success is to pack everything you don’t need before the day itself. Choosing what to leave for moving day can be difficult, but smart packing makes the process much easier.

Wear proper clothing
Wearing proper clothing when moving is essential. There is a reason why movers never wear shorts and sandals when working. So, consider wearing clothes that fully cover your body to avoid injuries. Banged shins and scraped elbows are common, so wearing clothes which sufficiently protect you is a great idea. On the other hand, too loose clothes can get snagged on things such as doorknobs and large TVs. Depending on where you live, preparing for rain or snow is also a good idea. Additionally, prepare a second outfit for after the move.
Have a detailed moving checklist
Having a good to-do list for the day of your move is essential. But, before you put this list together, you should make sure you have an excellent moving checklist for before the moving day. After all, good preparation is crucial. Make sure everything is ready for the big day, and it will likely go very smoothly.

Keep kids and pets safe
If you have kids or pets, a convenient tip for moving day success is to keep them away from the move. Speak with your friends or family and arrange to have your pets or children stay with them while the relocation is ongoing. Or, if this isn’t possible, pick a room in your home where they can relax while staying out of harm’s way.
Handle important belongings personally
While your movers will handle most of your belongings for you, handling important items yourself is always better. Belongings such as family heirlooms, important documentation, jewelry, medication, a change of clothes and phone chargers should be handled personally. Experts from recommend putting the stuff you want to handle yourself in a separate box and labeling it off-limits to avoid accidentally loading it.
Keep cleaning supplies on hand
Even the cleanest house can end up looking incredibly dirty when all of the furniture is moved out of it. As such, after you do your final walk-through and your movers pull away, you will likely need to do a little cleaning. This doesn’t have to be anything serious, just enough cleanup to make the place look presentable again. So, keeping some cleaning supplies on hand to do this is recommended. Consider putting them with your off-limits belongings to avoid them being moved accidentally.
Make sure you have enough cash
Running to the ATM on moving day isn’t recommended. What if the ATM is out of order or simply out of cash? Because of this, having plenty of money on hand for surprise costs is an excellent idea. Calculate how much you will need for the move a week or so before it happens, and leave some more on top just in case.
Prepare drinks, food, and first-aid
We have already mentioned some minor injuries which can happen during moving day. But, moving heavy furniture can be pretty dangerous. Make sure you have a first-aid kit for any minor injuries which might occur. On top of that, while breakfast is the most critical meal, being properly fed is a day-long task. Staying hydrated is very important as well, so make sure you have plenty of food and drinks ready for the big day.
Be thorough in your walk-through
When leaving your old home, it never hurts to do a thorough walk-through of the house. Be as detailed as you can to avoid leaving anything behind, as it will be hard to get these things back after you move out.
Final words
It is true that no amount of preparation and planning can guarantee a perfectly smooth move. But, being prepared for the big day can make anything that happens easier to deal with. We hope that this list of tips for moving day success helps you have a smooth moving experience.