What Makes a Great Self-Storage Manager?

Self-storage is an essential service that many people rely on. This can make working for a self-storage facility a very rewarding experience for employees. Professionals may be drawn to the self-storage field for a variety of reasons; however, you need to possess certain skills and qualities to succeed as a self-storage manager.

Let us take a closer look at what makes a great self-storage manager.

Knowledge, Research, Interaction, and Social

1.      Knowledge

Anyone who is in a management role should be familiar with the ins and outs of their organization. A good self-storage manager will be well-aware of the different services their facility offers.

In addition to this, they should have a good understanding of customer needs and what their potential concerns may be. The manager should also remain up-to-date with the latest storage options available. This is crucial, as they may be required to recommend the right storage option for each customer, for example how to protect your stuff in a Storage Unit.

Some of this knowledge may be gained through training. However, a significant amount of knowledge can be gained only by working at a self-storage facility for a long time.

Listing and Speaking Skills Photo

2.      Listening and Speaking Skills

It’s no secret that people who deal with customers frequently need to possess both great listening and speaking skills. Listening skills are important as you need to understand what a customer’s needs are in order to serve them effectively.

Similarly, great speaking skills are also essential for a self-storage manager. These managers often deal with customers from different backgrounds. They may need to adjust their tone and language to fit each person they are serving, and to address their concerns effectively.

This combination of skills leads to better communication and an improved quality of service, both of which help with customer satisfaction. For more information of getting a job as a Self-Storage Manager, check out this article.

Approachability Photo

3.      Approachability

A manager should also be easy to approach, both from the perspective of a customer and other employees. This means they should have a warm and friendly demeanour.

Customers will have an easier time speaking with a manager who is approachable. They can then let them know exactly what services they require. This helps build trust, which may lead to the customer using your self-storage services again in the future.

Employees will also have an easier time approaching and communicating with a friendly manager. This is important, as employees are the lifeblood of any organization.

If an employee makes a mistake or spots an issue somewhere, they will have an easier time informing a manager who is approachable. The manager can then address the problem before it causes any harm.

Yes you Can Motivational Photo

4.      Motivation

A manager is a leader who is expected to help their organization achieve their goals. However, many of these goals can only be achieved if the manager is motivated. This motivation pushes them to weather through difficult times, and also helps in keeping employee morale up. Many individuals have the potential to do great things, but few possess the motivation to do so. As a manager you should always be learning and educating yourself to not only grow yourself, but to help your employee’s grow as well, check out 12 easy steps to motivate your employees.

Accepting Feedback Photo

5.      Accepting Feedback

Confidence is one of the one of the most prominent qualities in any leader. However, this confidence should not prevent them from striving to improve themselves. Accepting feedback is an important part of learning and growing as an employee. This applies to managers as well.

A great manager should accept the feedback they receive from customers and employees and use it to improve themselves.

As you can see, there are plenty of qualities that make a great self-storage manager. Many of these qualities can be developed or gained over time. So, if you have recently entered a managerial role at a self-storage facility, you most certainly have the potential to do great things.

One last note on accepting feedback, sometimes people are not the best a presenting feedback and it might come across as negative, never take business criticism personal, no matter how its presented to you, look for the positive from it. New ideas are sometimes the best business choices, like increasing sales from a directory service like StorageLookup.com or finding the perfect employee from StorageCareers.com

We welcome idea’s, comments, and additional sources of information.

Author: admin